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Management and Board of Directors

  • Management
  • Councils
  • committees

Executive Officers

Our executive officers are our legal representatives to enter into transactions with third parties. They are responsible for the day-to-day management of our business and for the implementation of the general policies and guidelines established by our board of directors.

Pursuant to Brazilian Corporate Law, each executive officer must be a Brazilian resident. No more than one-third of the members of our board of directors may be executive officers. The executive officers are not required to be shareholders of our company.

Our executive officers are elected by the board of directors for a one-year term, and may be re-elected or removed, at any time. Our bylaws currently provide that our management must have at least four and no more than nine members, including a Chief Executive Officer, a Chief Financial Officer, a Chief Academic Officer and an Investor Relations Officer, it being understood that one executive officer may hold more than one of those positions. Other executive officers, if any, do not hold specific positions.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
Jânyo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz Chief Executive Officer May, 2024 May, 2025

Jânyo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz: Mr. Diniz received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, a graduate degree in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and a master‘s degree from Universidade da Amazônia. He has been the CEO of Ser Educacional group since 2008, and as President of the Instituto de Pesquisa UNINASSAU. Since 2008, he has been the president of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino de Pernambuco (SIESPE), and since 2011 the President of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado da Paraíba. In addition, he has been Vice-President of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado de Alagoas, SINEPE-Superior AL, since 2017.

Adriano Azevedo Chief Operations Officer May, 2024 May, 2025

Adriano Azevedo: Mr. Azevedo has a bachelor‘s degree in Business Administration, with a graduate degree in Administration of Human Resources and a master’s degree in Administration. Over the last five years, he worked in Ser Educacional group, acting as an officer of the campuses in Bahia in 2008 and subsequently as Operations Officer starting in 2009, until becoming Chief Operations Officer. Previously, Mr. Azevedo acted as Academic Director and Business of Faculdade Baiana de Ciências and managing partner of Futura Consultoria and has worked in the education field since 2001.

Simone Bérgamo Chief Academic Officer May, 2024 May, 2025

Simone Bérgamo: Mrs. Bérgamo has an bachelor‘s degree in Pedagogy and graduate degrees in Education, Constructivism, Psychosociology of the Educator, IES Management, with education in Psychopedagogy, Psychodrama, Psychomotricity, Integrated Coaching and a master’s degree in Social and Personality Psychologies. Mrs. Bérgamo has 30 years of experience in the education area. She has been a part of our academic department for nine years, performing as Pedagogic Manager since 2008, Academic Manager since 2010 and Academic Officer since 2011. Since late 2012, she has been the Academic Dean of UNINASSAU and since 2013, she has been our Chief Academic Officer. Mrs. Bérgamo also acted as academic principal of Colégio Atual – Instituição de Ensino do Ensino Básico and as an Educational Consultant of the Group up until 2008 before joining the staff. Finally, Mrs. Bérgamo has taught graduate classes at UNICAP, FAFIRE, FACISA and Maurício de Nassau.

João Albérico Porto de Aguiar Chief Financial Officer May, 2024 May, 2025

João Albérico Porto de Aguiar: With more than 20 years of experience in the financial area, João Aguiar worked as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers‘ for over 12 years and as a controller for companies in the beverage, health, real estate and retail industries. In the later segment, he worked most recently as a Controller at the Máquina de Vendas Group. With extensive experience of organizational and corporate restructuring, as well as ample knowledge of the accounting, financial, structured operation and internal control areas, João Aguiar has a degree in Accounting and a graduate diploma in Corporate Finance from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), with specialization courses in Business Management at the CEDEPE Business School in Pernambuco and in Tax Planning at the Brazilian Tax Planning Institute (IBPT).

Rodrigo Alves Investor Relations Officer May, 2024 May, 2025

Rodrigo de Macedo Alves: Mr. Alves has 20 years of experience in capital markets. With a degree in economics from PUC-SP and an MBA in finance from IBMEC-SP, he served in the investor relations department of companies such as NET Serviços and Gol Linhas Aéreas, and on the trading desk of Banco Santander. More recently, Rodrigo was the CFO of a telecommunications company and acted as a consultant for several publicly-held companies in the areas of investor relations, capital markets and corporate finance.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body responsible for setting the policies and general guidelines of the business, including the long-term strategy, control and supervision of Ser Educacional’s performance. The duties of this body also include supervising the management of its Executive Officers. The Board of Directors has Internal Regulations that govern the functioning of the Body, the committees linked to it, as wel as the relationship between the Board and the other governing bodies of the Board of Directors, which was approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on October 24, 2018 and is available on our investor relations website, https://ri.sereducacional.com/

Under the terms of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall be composed of at least five (5) and at most seven (7) members, appointed and subject to removal by the Shareholders’ Meeting, with unified one (1) year mandates, with reelection permitted.

In accordance with the Bylaws, at least 20% or 2, whichever is greater, of the Board Members must be Independent Board Members, in accordance with the Listing Rules of the B3 Novo Mercado, the characterization of the nominees to the Board of Directors as independent directors should be decided at the General Meeting that elects them. Note that the Board Members elected under the terms of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 141 of the Brazilian Corporate Law are also considered Independent Board Members.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
José Janguiê Bezerra Diniz Chairman April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

José Janguiê Bezerra Diniz: Founder and controlling shareholder. Mr. Diniz received a bachelor‘s law degree from the Faculdade de Direto do Recife – UFPE, and a fine arts degree from the Faculdade Católica de Pernambuco, and received his master’s degree and doctorate from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Mr. Diniz started his business career in 1996, with the founding of Bureau Jurídico Cursos for the public examination for government positions, and strengthened it in 2003, with the creation of the Faculdade Maurício de Nassau in Recife. Since then, he has been the President of the Associação Brasileira das Faculdades Isoladas e Integradas (ABRAFI), Vice-President of Associação Brasileira das Mantenedoras de Ensino Superior (ABMES) and author of several books in the areas of law and education. He acted as a Judge in the Regional Labor Court of the 6th Region, and through August 2013 he acted as an attorney of the federal public prosecutor’s office, having formalized his resignation on August 21, 2013. On September 9, 2013 Mr. Diniz became the dean of UNINASSAU.

Herbert Steinberg Independent Vice-Chairman April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Herbet Steingberg: Mr. Steingberg has over 20 years of experience acting as an executive for large corporations and 13 years of experience as businessman and consultant. In the companies where he has worked, he was the leader in several processes of strategic repositioning of different organizations, as well as alignment processes of management and business strategies. Over the last five years, Mr. Steingberg worked as an independent director of Grupo Famastil/Taurus, AMCHAM/Brazil, Care Brasil, and Halexistar Indústrias Farmacêuticas. He performed important work with the board of directors of Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A., where he worked on Banespa privatization process, the Banco Crefisul turnaround, and a purchase performed by Deutsche Bank in the control of Bradesco. He founded his own company 14 years ago, MESA Governança Corporativa, a consultancy focused on the best practices of corporate governance, and is currently one of our independent directors.

Francisco Muniz Barreto Board Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Francisco Muniz Barreto: Mr. Barreto has 15 years of experience in private equity and investment banking. He has a degree in Economics from the Universidade de Belgrano (Argentina)/ UNC Chapel Hill and a Master in Finance from London Business School. Since 2006, he has been the Managing Director of the São Paulo office of Cartesian, responsible for researching prospects and supervising investments in companies focused mainly in Latin America. Cartesian is a private equity fund based in New York which manages over US$2.0 billion. From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Barreto was an officer of the investment fund AIG Capital Partners do Brasil.

Iara de Moraes Xavier Braga Independent Board Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Iara de Moraes Xavier Braga: PhD in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Professor in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral courses. Retired Professor at the Federal University of Brasília (UnB). She has 35 years of experience in higher education as a teacher, researcher and manager in the public and private sectors. She has also worked as a consultant for 12 years and as an entrepreneur for two years. In the federal institutions where she worked (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, National Institute of Educational Studies and Research linked to the Ministry of Education and Federal University of Brasília), she held important positions such as Pro-Rector of Graduation, Vice-Rector, National Coordinator of Evaluation and others, as well as coordinated national and international projects and programs related to higher education, with emphasis on the National System of Higher Education Evaluation (SINAES), established by Law 10.861 in April 2004, which includes course evaluation, institutional evaluation and student performance evaluation (ENADE). Two years ago, she founded her own educational consulting company and also acts as advisor to the Presidency of Brazilian Association of Higher Education Maintenance Entities (ABMES), advisor to the Board of Directors of ABMES and Technical Director of Brazilian Association of College Maintainers (ABRAFI).

Flávio César Maia Luz Independent Board Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Flávio César Maia Luz: Mr. Luz has a bachelor‘s degree in Civil Engineering from USP Escola Politécnica – Universidade de São Paulo, with graduate degrees in Administration and Applied Economics from FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, as well as continuing education certifications issues by institutions such as Harvard Business School, Stanford University, California University and Wharton Business School. Mr. Luz was Executive Vice-President of Duratex, Vice-President of the board of directors and executive officer of Eletropaulo and Financial and Corporate Vice-President of Cofra Latin America (C&A Group). In addition, he acts as chairman of the audit committee at Ultra S.A., member of the audit committee of Empresa de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista S.A., Senior Solution S.A. and acted as director of Light S.A. Currently he is a certified consultant of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. He is the managing partner of the consultancy Doing Business. Mr. Luz has been our independent director since 2012.

Fiscal Council

Our by-laws do not require us to have a permanent fiscal council. When instated, it will be comprised of three members and three alternatives, with a term of office until the annual general shareholders’ meeting following the election, with re-election permitted.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
José Écio Pereira da Costa Jr. Sitting Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

José Écio Pereira da Costa Jr.: Bachelor in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Business Administration in São Paulo and in Accounting from Faculdade São Judas Tadeu, he joined the auditing career in 1974 at Arthur Andersen & Co and was promoted to International Partner in 1986 and later, in June 2002, he became a partner at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in Brazil, remaining there until May 2007, when he retired. From October 1993 to May 2004, he was the managing partner responsible for the Curitiba office of these auditing and consulting firms. He is a founding partner of JEPereira Consultoria em Gestão de Negócios S/S, in January 2008, working with emphasis on strategic management consultancy, consulting on preparing companies and their shareholders to act on the Novo Mercado de Capitals, in addition to acting as a counselor on Audit Committees on the Boards of Public Companies. He was a member of the Board of Directors of GAFISA S.A. from June 2008 to April 2018 (developing company registered with the SEC, CVM – Novo Mercado) and Coordinator of the Audit Committee, from June 2008 to April 2016, becoming a member of this Committee from then until April 2018. He also served as a member of the Statutory Audit Committee of FIBRIA S.A, from April 2013 to March 2018, Chairman of the Fiscal Council from December 2009 to March 2013, Coordinator of the Audit Committee of VOTORANTIM INDUSTRIAL S.A. – VID, from June 2012 to June 2014, and Coordinator of the Audit Committee of VOTORANTIM CIMENTOS S.A from October 2013 to April 2023. Mr. Pereira was also a member of the Board of Directors of Ouro Verde Locação e Serviços S.A, between October 2018 and June 2019, of BRMALLS S.A. from April 2010 to April 2014, as Coordinator of the Audit Committees of VOTORANTIM METAIS S.A (currently NEXA S.A) from June 2014 to December 2017, of VE VOTORANTIM ENERGIA S.A from June 2017 to February 2022, Member of the Audit Committee of CESP S.A from April 2019 to April 20 21 and as a member of the Board of Directors of Grupo NOSTER from January 2011 to September 2013, re-elected in June 2022. Mr. Pereira is currently Coordinator of the Audit Committees of CBA COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE ALUMINIO (a company registered in July 2021 at CVM – Novo Mercado) since June 2017 and of CITROSUCO S.A since December 2014, Member of the Audit Committee of MOBLY S.A since March 2021, Member of the Compliance and Audit Committee of BRASKEM S.A since November 2021, and is a member of the Board of Directors of Princecampos Participações S.A. (privately held company in the area of public transport and parcel transport) elected in April 2010 and as Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Demercado Investimentos S.A. (privately held company in the area of real estate projects for logistics) elected in November 2020.

Fernando Eduardo Ramos dos Santos Sitting Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Fernando Eduardo Ramos dos Santos: Born on October 11, 1980, Mr. Santos holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2003) and a graduate degree in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2006). Mr. Santos is currently partner of BDO Auditores Independentes, where he has acted for over 15 years. He is an Auditor registered at the National Registry of Independent Auditors (CNAI), the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). He is also member of BDO’s Technical Committee, member of the Independent Auditor’s Institute (IBRACON), member of GT 6 – Ibracon’s Technical Group of the Electricity Segment.

Nazareno Habib Ouvidor Bichara Sitting Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Nazareno Habib Ouvidor Bichara: He holds a degree in Economics and Accounting from Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA), a Master’s degree in Accounting and Controllership from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), and an MBA in Audit from Fundação Getulio Vargas. He is currently the CEO at the Leal Moreira Group. He was Chief Financial Officer of the Ser Educacional Group from 2009 to 2015, and Pro-Rector of Administration and Finance at Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau (Uninassau) from 2012 to 2015. In 2013, he took office as Vice President for Private Entities of the Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives (IBEF Pernambuco). He was auditor at Ernst Young from 1993 and 1998. Between 1999 and 2002, he also acted as internal auditor at Albras Alumínio Brasileiro S.A., a company in the aluminum industry. In addition, he was executive director at Multibank between 2004 and 2006 and executive director at Diários Associados do Rio Grande do Norte e Paraíba between 2006 and 2008.

Nelson Luiz Paula de Oliveira Alternate Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Nelson Luiz Paula de Oliveira: Graduated in Business Administration from FAE Business School, Mr. Oliveira is certified (CCI) to act as Board Member by IBGC- Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa, he has a Master’s Degree in Governance by Gonew.Co, with certification as Board Member for Innovation and Social Board by Gonew.Co and Specialization in Family Governance. Mr. Oliveira has extensive financial experience, having worked in his executive career at the following financial institutions: Banco Crefisul de Investimentos S.A., Banco Noroeste S.A., Banco Sudameris Brasil S.A., Banco Credibanco S.A., Multiplic Banco de Investimento S.A. and Banco Triângulo S.A. Mr. Oliveira was Chairman of the Advisory Board of Fumacense Alimentos, between September/2019 and September/2020, Board Member of Compagas-Paraná, between June/2019 and June/2021, of Grupo Noster, between April/2014 and July/2016. He is currently a partner at CGN Consultores, Brickinvest Consultoria de Investimentos and serves as a member of the Fiscal Council at FTD Editora (Grupo Marista) Demercado and is a member of the Audit Committee at Copel GeT, Chairman of the Advisory Board at Banco Senff S.A. and One Global Shipping and is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ezos Group.

Antônio Carlos Moreira Ventura Alternate Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Antônio Carlos Moreira Ventura: Mr. Ventura holds bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Accounting, both from Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP) and an executive MBA in Business Management from FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He is a Managing Partner at ACV Consultores em Negócios Ltda. and Ventura & Figueiredo Expertises em Soluções Empresariais Ltda., providing acting as an advisory, guidance and business consultant for financial management, strategic planning, management models and corporate governance. He is member of the Board of Directors of Saraiva Equipamentos Ltda. and a finance professor at BAEX – Brasil Executive Education. He also served as Chief Financial Officer, Controller and Executive Officer for more than 35 in companies of various economic segments, such as: Grupo Fernandes Vieira, Refrescos Guararapes Ltda. (Coca-Cola Recife) and Grupo Bunge.

Francisco de Assis Gomes Silva Alternate Member April 26, 2024 April 26, 2025

Francisco de Assis Gomes Silva: Mr. Assis Gomes graduated in Accounting Sciences from Unianhanguera (Goiás) in April/1998. He is a specialist in tax law from Universidade Católica de Goiás, and holds a master‘s degree in Agro Industrial Management and Production from Uniderp (Mato Grosso do Sul) (September 2008), and MBA in capital markets from the Indiana State University (August 2013), Private Wealth Management from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania (October 2014) and Business Management from the Yale School of Management (June 2011).He was a partner at the Tax Division of Arthur Andersen, Chicago LLC (USA) from January 1991 to December 1993, of EY (Brazil) from December 2006 to March 2009 and was emerging markets analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc, in Miami (USA), between January 1994 and June 1995.He is currently executive officer at Gennesys Consulting (Brazil), BRZ Capital (USA) and Miami Family Office & School (USA).

Finance Committee

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is a support body for the Board of Directors and aims to supervise the quality and integrity of financial reports, adherence to legal, statutory and regulatory standards, the adequacy of risk management processes and the activities of auditors internal and independent. Our Finance Committee has its own internal regulations, approved at the Board of Directors‘ Meeting held on February 27, 2015.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
Francisco Muniz Barreto Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Francisco Muniz Barreto: Mr. Barreto has 15 years of experience in private equity and investment banking. He has a degree in Economics from the Universidade de Belgrano (Argentina)/ UNC Chapel Hill and a Master in Finance from London Business School. Since 2006, he has been the Managing Director of the São Paulo office of Cartesian, responsible for researching prospects and supervising investments in companies focused mainly in Latin America. Cartesian is a private equity fund based in New York which manages over US$2.0 billion. From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Barreto was an officer of the investment fund AIG Capital Partners do Brasil.

Flávio César Maia Luz Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Flávio César Maia Luz: Mr. Luz has a degree in Civil Engineering from USP Escola Politécnica – Universidade de São Paulo, with graduate degrees in Administration and Applied Economics from FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, as well as continuing education certifications issues by institutions such as Harvard Business School, Stanford University, California University and Wharton Business School. Mr. Luz was Executive Vice-President of Duratex, Vice-President of the board of directors and executive officer of Eletropaulo and Financial and Corporate Vice-President of Cofra Latin America (C&A Group). In addition, he acts as chairman of the audit committee at Ultra S.A., member of the audit committee of Empresa de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista S.A., Senior Solution S.A. and acted as director of Light S.A. Currently he is a certified consultant of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. He is the managing partner of the consultancy Doing Business. Mr. Luz has been our independent director since 2003.

Rodrigo Alves Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Rodrigo de Macedo Alves: Mr. Alves has 20 years of experience in capital markets. With a degree in economics from PUC-SP and an MBA in finance from IBMEC-SP, he served in the investor relations department of companies such as NET Serviços and Gol Linhas Aéreas, and on the trading desk of Banco Santander. More recently, Rodrigo was the CFO of a telecommunications company and acted as a consultant for several publicly-held companies in the areas of investor relations, capital markets and corporate finance.

João Albérico Porto de Aguiar Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

João Albérico Porto de Aguiar: With more than 20 years of experience in the financial area, João Aguiar worked as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers‘ for over 12 years and as a controller for companies in the beverage, health, real estate and retail industries. In the later segment, he worked most recently as a Controller at the Máquina de Vendas Group. With extensive experience of organizational and corporate restructuring, as well as ample knowledge of the accounting, financial, structured operation and internal control areas, João Aguiar has a degree in Accounting and a graduate diploma in Corporate Finance from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), with specialization courses in Business Management at the CEDEPE Business School in Pernambuco and in Tax Planning at the Brazilian Tax Planning Institute (IBPT).

People, Management and Governance Committee

The People, Management and Governance Committee is a body supporting the board of directors intended to prepare and propose to the board of directors the compensation of our management bodies.

The People, Management and Governance Committee is a decision-making body, comprised of up to three members, of whom at least one should be an independent director, as defined in the listing rules of the Novo Mercado. The members of the People, Management and Governance Committee will be elected by the board of directors for terms of office of one year, with the possibility for reelection.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
Jânyo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Jânyo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz: Mr. Diniz received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, a graduate degree in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and a master‘s degree from Universidade da Amazônia. He has been the CEO of Grupo Ser Educacional since 2008, and as President of the Instituto de Pesquisa UNINASSAU. Since 2008, he has been the president of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino de Pernambuco (SIESPE), and since 2011 the President of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado da Paraíba. In addition, he has been Vice-President of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado de Alagoas, SINEPE-Superior AL, since 2017.

Herbert Steinberg Committee Chairman May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Herbert Steinberg: Mr. Steinberg has over 20 years of experience acting as an executive for large corporations and 13 years of experience as businessman and consultant. In the companies where he has worked, he was the leader in several processes of strategic repositioning of different organizations, as well as alignment processes of management and business strategies. Over the last five years, Mr. Steinberg worked as an independent director of Grupo Famastil/Taurus, AMCHAM/Brazil, Care Brasil, and Halexistar Indústrias Farmacêuticas. He performed important work with the board of directors of Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A., where he worked on Banespa privatization process, the Banco Crefisul turnaround, and a purchase performed by Deutsche Bank in the control of Bradesco. He founded his own company 14 years ago, MESA Governança Corporativa, a consultancy focused on the best practices of corporate governance, and is currently one of our independent directors.

Joaldo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Joaldo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz: Mr. Diniz holds a degree in Systems Analysis from Universidade Salgado de Oliveira, an executive MBA in Management of Higher Education Institutions from UNINASSAU and a post-graduate degree in Convergence Networks and Telecom from UFPE/FIR. He is a professional with over 20 years of nationwide experience in the Education field, and also has experience in areas such as Technology, Services, Finance, Quality and Operations and experience in multidisciplinary training and development of high-performance teams. He is a Service Executive Director at Ser Educacional group, being a Co-Founder of the Group and responsible for the Company’s service areas, consisting of CSC – Centro de Serviços Compartilhados (shared services) and CRA – Central de Relacionamento com o Aluno (student relationship) departments, in addition to other departments such as Treasury, Billing, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Accounting, Fiscal, Assets, Purchases, Human Resources, IT, Supply Chain, Integration, CRA Processing and CRA Student Documentation. He was previously IT Director and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Ser Educacional group.

Mário Bardella Junior Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Mário Bardella Junior: Mr. Junior holds a degree in Business Administration from Instituto Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, having completed an extension course in Information Systems at FEA – Universidade de São Paulo (USP). He also attending executive education programs at the University of Michigan (USA) and Harvard Business School (USA). He is a certified coach by the University of Columbia (NY-USA) and CCL – Center for Creative Leadership (Colorado, EUA). He also holds a degree in Quality Management from JUSE – Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (Japan). He is a professional with more than 30 years of experience in executive roles in areas such as Human Resources and Corporate Organization. Over the last five years he acted as an Independent Consultant for executive and specialized committees providing support to Boards of Directors. Prior, he was the Human Resources Vice President for Latin America at the American multinational company Newell Brands, a position he held for 12 years, being responsible for Human Resources activities and supporting for business executives in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, being headquartered in Florida (USA). He is Founder and Director of Associação Beneficente Instituto Francis (São Paulo) dedicated to human development programs.

Adriano Azevedo Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Adriano Azevedo: Mr. Azevedo holds a degree in Business Administration, a post-graduate degree in Human Resources Management and a master’s degree in Business Administration. He is currently the Operational Superintendent of Grupo Ser Educacional and Dean of the Planning and Operational divisions of UNINASSAU. He has been in the education field since 2001 and part of Grupo Ser Educacional for 10 years. Previously, he was Academic and Business Director at Faculdade Baiana de Ciências and Executive Partner of Futura Consultoria. Over the last five years, he was Director of Grupo Ser Educacional’s Bahia Unit and later as Operations Officer until becoming Head of Operations. He was Head of the Bahia Unit in 2008 and Operations Officer of the Group since 2009.

Non-Statutory Audit Committee

The Audit Committee will be composed of three, elected by the Board of Directors, and the majority of its members must be independent under the terms of the applicable regulations; at least one member must be an independent director of the Company, as defined in the Novo Mercado Regulation.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
Flávio César Maia Luz Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Flávio César Maia Luz: Mr. Luz has a bachelor‘s degree in Civil Engineering from USP Escola Politécnica – Universidade de São Paulo, with graduate degrees in Administration and Applied Economics from FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, as well as continuing education certifications issues by institutions such as Harvard Business School, Stanford University, California University and Wharton Business School. Mr. Luz was Executive Vice-President of Duratex, Vice-President of the board of directors and executive officer of Eletropaulo and Financial and Corporate Vice-President of Cofra Latin America (C&A Group). In addition, he acts as chairman of the audit committee at Ultra S.A., member of the audit committee of Empresa de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista S.A., Senior Solution S.A. and acted as director of Light S.A. Currently he is a certified consultant of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. He is the managing partner of the consultancy Doing Business. Mr. Luz has been our independent director since 2012.

Francisco Muniz Barreto Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Francisco Muniz Barreto: Mr. Barreto has 15 years of experience in private equity and investment banking. He has a degree in Economics from the Universidade de Belgrano (Argentina)/ UNC Chapel Hill and a Master in Finance from London Business School. Since 2006, he has been the Managing Director of the São Paulo office of Cartesian, responsible for researching prospects and supervising investments in companies focused mainly in Latin America. Cartesian is a private equity fund based in New York which manages over US$2.0 billion. From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Barreto was an officer of the investment fund AIG Capital Partners do Brasil.

Marcelo Amaral Moraes Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Marcelo Amaral Moraes: Graduated in economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (1986-1990), he completed an MBA from COPPEAD at UFRJ in November 1993, and a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law and Arbitration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in November 2003. He is an Effective Member Of the Fiscal Council of Vale SA (since 2004), where he also held the position of Alternate Member of the Board of Directors (2003), is Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Aceco TI S.A. and member of the Board of Directors of Eternit S.A. His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include: (i) Executive Officer of Stratus Investimentos Ltda. (from 2006 to 2010), private equity manager; (ii) Executive Officer of Capital Dynamics Investimentos Ltda. (from 2012 to 2015), private equity manager; and (iii) Observer Member of the Board of Directors of Infinity Bio-Energy S.A. (from 2011 to 2012). None of these companies are part of CPFL Energia‘s economic group, nor is it controlled by a shareholder holding more than 5% of the common shares of CPFL Energia. On April 29, 2021, he was elected to Ser Educacional‘s non-statutory Audit Committee for a one-year term.

Innovation Committee

The Innovation Committee was created to support the Board of Directors of the SER Educacional Group, and its general purpose is to support the Board in decision-making on these topics, so that Innovation is embedded into the Group‘s strategy and way of operating on a permanent basis.

The Committee reports to the Board of Directors, and shall act under the guidance of the same, and shall be governed by the regulations set forth in the Internal Regulations of the Innovation Committee.

The Committee shall be composed of three (03) members appointed by the Board of Directors, observing, in its composition, an independent member of the Board of Directors. The members of the Committee shall be elected for a unified term of office of one (1) year, with reelection allowed.

Name Position Election Date End of Term
Jânyo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Jânyo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz: Mr. Diniz received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, a graduate degree in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and a master‘s degree from Universidade da Amazônia. He has been the CEO of Grupo Ser Educacional since 2008, and as President of the Instituto de Pesquisa UNINASSAU. Since 2008, he has been the president of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino de Pernambuco (SIESPE), and since 2011 the President of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado da Paraíba. In addition, he has been Vice-President of the Sindicato das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado de Alagoas, SINEPE-Superior AL, since 2017.

Joaldo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz Committee Member May 27, 2024 May 27, 2025

Joaldo Janguiê Bezerra Diniz: Mr. Diniz holds a degree in Systems Analysis from Universidade Salgado de Oliveira, an executive MBA in Management of Higher Education Institutions from UNINASSAU and a post-graduate degree in Convergence Networks and Telecom from UFPE/FIR. He is a professional with over 20 years of nationwide experience in the Education field, and also has experience in areas such as Technology, Services, Finance, Quality and Operations and experience in multidisciplinary training and development of high-performance teams. He is a Service Executive Director at Grupo Ser Educacional, being a Co-Founder of the Group and responsible for the Company’s service areas, consisting of CSC – Centro de Serviços Compartilhados (shared services) and CRA – Central de Relacionamento com o Aluno (student relationship) departments, in addition to other departments such as Treasury, Billing, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Accounting, Fiscal, Assets, Purchases, Human Resources, IT, Supply Chain, Integration, CRA Processing and CRA Student Documentation. He was previously IT Director and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Grupo Ser Educacion.